01438 893048 (or Mob: 07905212825) mo@ententemediation.com


Find out more about what mediation costs


Initial assessment meeting – MIAM   (individual clients)
Lasting around 45 minutes – £115 per person

Mediation session
Lasting 1 1/2  hours – £225 per person 

Shuttle Mediation session
Lasting between 1 1/2  and 1 3/4 hour – £300 per person

(For evening and weekend meetings there is a small surcharge)

Mediation session
Reduced rate for those on limited income – £190 per person




Document drafting
A record of the mediation session – £95 per person

A Parenting Plan – £130 – £200 per person

A Statement of Outcome of Mediation – £150 per person


Document drafting
Memorandum of understanding – £200 per person

Open Financial summary – £200 per person

Both financial documents (MOU & OFS) – £320 to £400 per person



  • Appointments cancelled with 2 days notice or less with be charged at £65 for a MIAM and £100 for a Mediation session
  • Appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will be charged at 100% of the fee.