01438 893048 (or Mob: 07905212825) mo@ententemediation.com

Children’s arrangements. Simply Mediation is a very child focused mediation service. Whether discussions are around property and finance or child contact arrangements, our mediators will always put the needs of the child first.

We understand that when a relationship breaks down and couples separate, one parent will leave the family home and normally lose day to day contact with their child. Our aim is to help you create workable solutions that allow both parents to retain their roles in their children’s lives.

We can discuss:

  • where the children will live
  • how care will be shared between both parents
  • arrangements for school holidays and special events throughout the year such as Christmas
  • the best way for parents to communicate about issues concerning their children
  • how both parents can best support the children both financially and emotionally


Mediation is proven to work better for families by reducing the stress and parental conflict that often occurs when parents communicate via solicitors or go to court.

Simply Mediation’s aim is to help you work out a way to successfully share parenting, whilst both leading independent personal lives.